A Community Next Door
Your local association is dedicated to promoting, protecting, strengthening and informing our local home building markets.
Our members are builders, remodelers, and individuals in associated fields who collaborate and achieve more together than they ever could alone.
As a member, the benefits are tangible. From business-building resources to money-saving discounts, your membership also shapes the views of our local elected officials and lawmakers to put your business in better position for success.
Whether you want to enhance your management capabilities, develop your professional reputation, or add your voice to the chorus of members who truly understand our industry, membership provides you unparalleled access to these opportunities- and more.
Broaden your Local Reach
As a member, you also become part of our state association.
Together with the local and national home builder associations, the Indiana Builders Association provides essential connections and capabilities that add value to every member’s investment in the 3-in-1 membership.
Your investment ensures you and your business are represented at the state capitol, before regulatory agencies, and before the state’s courts of law. Your state association strives to protect housing from harmful legislation, regulation, and litigation.
Your state association educates elected officials about the realities of how home building drives the local economy.
Whether it’s an issue about zoning, building codes or running a small business, your state association will work with your local to protect the interests of our industry and our members.
We Build United
Grow your business, gain cutting-edge, practical knowledge and help your industry by joining your peers as a member of the National Association of Home Builders.
When you join your local home builders association, you also automatically became a member of the state association and NAHB. Your 3-in-1 membership means you have access to valuable resources that help you gain a competitive advantage.
The five pillars of NAHB membership – knowledge, networking, expertise, advocacy and savings – form the foundation to build your future.
NAHB’s educational programs give you the tools you need to gain an edge in the industry. Programs include courses and seminars, offered by in-person and online. Plus, NAHB professional designations provide opportunities to improve your skills and advance your career. NAHB’s official bookstore, BuilderBooks.com, offers members a discount on industry products and publications. Learn more.
With 140,000 members from all areas of the housing industry, NAHB is a one-stop networking shop! NAHB, along with your state and local associations, provide countless ways for you to meet and build relationships with fellow professionals, future customers and suppliers. Learn more.
NAHB members have access to expert staff advisors who can address your business questions. Our experts include distinguished economists, tax specialists, financial experts and regulatory and technical specialists. Members also benefit from economic analysis and housing research, as well as NAHB research into innovative building products and construction techniques. Learn more.
NAHB fights for our members on Capitol Hill, in your state and in the communities where you do business. We work hard to defeat excessive regulations and to protect your business. Our advocacy efforts include educating policymakers and the Administration, building successful coalitions, and mobilizing our grassroots on a range of issues. Learn more.
NAHB’s purchasing power means big savings for you! Your NAHB membership provides you discounts on vehicles, car rentals, shipping, office supplies, computers and more. In fact, NAHB members saved $20 million in 2016 through the NAHB Member Advantage Program. Learn more.